I created a few videos using AI gen images, voices etc and some pictures from internet; YouTube clears them all for copyright issues, google says: Replying to above: if youtube clears a video for copyright use, says it can be used on youtube, am I legally covered that it does not contain any copyright issues?

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Unfortunately, YouTube clearing a video for copyright use does not guarantee it is completely free of copyright issues. Here's why:

YouTube's role:

YouTube focuses on identifying and removing known copyrighted content using automated systems and copyright claims by owners.

Their clearance process mainly covers matching against their database and doesn't involve in-depth legal analysis of every element.

Remaining risks:

Unidentified content: New or lesser-known copyrighted material might slip through the cracks.

Fair use misjudgment: YouTube's system may not accurately judge fair use, which is a complex legal concept.

Changes after review: You might modify the video later, introducing new copyright issues.

What you should do:

Always exercise due diligence.

Understand the copyright status of any element you use (music, images, etc.).

Obtain explicit permission from rights holders if unsure.

Rely on YouTube clearance as one data point, not a definitive guarantee.

Additional tips:

Use copyright-free resources or obtain licenses for copyrighted content.

Use the YouTube Studio Content ID tool to identify potential copyright issues.

Consider consulting a copyright lawyer for complex situations.

Remember, copyright infringement can have serious consequences, including video takedowns, channel strikes, and even legal action. By being proactive and responsible, you can protect yourself and your content. What say you?

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I verified the music used was from Storybocks.com a royalty free source and I subscribed to be able to download, took pictures of approval

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